Work from anywhere....anytime!

Working From Anywhere
The secret to working from anywhere from your laptop is to not have to physically be present to do or deliver the work.
There are plenty of ways to be able work under the laptop lifestyle but I am going to share with you my personal favorite way of getting this done. By picking the right service, not only can we work anywhere from our laptop but we can charge high prices for doing so.
We are going to build websites for our customers. Why? Because websites is a huge market. Millions upon millions of businesses have websites yet very few have good websites. 90% of all web owners have terrible sites and that is a need we are going to take advantage of. The thing is, web owners do not realize they have a need and our job is to make them realize that.
Don't worry if you have never built a website before. By the time you have finished going through the contents of this course, you will be able to work from anywhere, not have to build a single website and still charge high prices fro your service.
5 Steps
This is broken down as follows:
- Pick your niche
- Make a list of customers
- Email & provide website analysis
- Build or fix their website
- Profit!
Things You Don't Need
I've designed this to be so simple that you do not need to have any experience or knowledge in web design whatsoever!
This does not have to be super complicated, as you will see just how simple it really is!
Applying The Steps
To make these steps easy to understand, I will explain this as a case study on how I actually accomplished these steps myself. Follow carefully!
Pick Your Niche
The world is your oyster so you are never short of options. You can literally pick anything. I chose the locksmith niche as it is easy to start with and there's no shortage of them.
Make A List Of Customers
You'll need to search and make of list customers you will be contacting. I searched on Google and Yelp to look for a bunch of locksmiths in my area but they can be based anywhere, it won't matter.
What I'm looking for are locksmiths with badly designed websites. What comes across as a bad website is down to your judgement and once you've seen several of them, then you'll get an idea of what is good or bad web site.
To help you decide how good or bad the website is, click here to access the free website grader and enter the website link (no email required)
Email & Provide Website Analysis
Once you have your list, pick a bad website from that list and create a website analysis report. I highly recommend that you have 2-3 reports as a small portfolio to start off with to demonstrate your expertise, as 1 report is usually not enough for some clients and they tend to want to see another one to compare. Don't worry, you won't have to produce these reports yourself, there's two options you can choose:
- Join web design groups on Facebook, get to know the members there and ask if they can help do the analysis for you; or
- Contact us (email: and we can do the analysis as a written or video report for you
(1 report = $25, 3 reports = $60, 5 reports = $90)
I will then email to all the customers with the following:
"Dear James,
I have come across your website earlier and I would like to offer you a free website analysis report.
The analysis report will help you to identify any aspects of your website that's preventing you from getting new customers or being seen on Google ahead of your competition.
I have provided 2-3 examples of reports we've recently conducted for other locksmiths so you can see what we can do for you.
If you would like to have the same analysis report done for you, please let me know.
Kind regards"
It is important to provide an example report either video or written to show them what you can do for them.
For those that reply and show interest, simply have the analysis created for them and reply to them with the following:
"Dear James,
Thank you for showing interest in having an analysis report for your website!
Please find attached the analysis where we've highlighted a few important points.
If you are interested in having these aspects improved, I'm more than happy to discuss further with you.
Kind regards"
Below is an example of an email exchange I've had previously with a locksmith.

Building Or Fixing Their Website
Once customers have shown interest in our services, once to discuss their needs further either in person (most ideal), telephone call or email (least ideal).
Once we understand their needs, we can then begin to start fixing the problems in their website, some cases, customers want you to build them an entirely new website!
Again you can approach this in two ways:
- Find web designers on Facebook and ask if they can help do this for you (they're always more than happy to help; or
- Contact us (email: and we can discuss the web design in more detail
Don't worry if you don't know how to design the site. Everything that needs fixing will be based on what the analysis report highlighted.
I simply pass the work to the designer, along with the analysis and they will take care of the rest!
Web designs are usually high priced services so you can usually charge at least $1,500 per customer, $1,500 is quite normal. For mid range websites, you can charge between $2,000-$7,000 and $8,000+ for anything more complex. The price is up to you.
I charge my locksmith customers at least $1,500 for basic work and at least $3,000 anything more complex.
Do bear in mind that it's good practice to get a pricing quote from your web designer before you set the price to the customer, otherwise you risk making a loss if you charge too low!
2 Quick sales pricing tips
- Some (not all) customers become fearful of the idea of paying $1,000+ simply because they focus on the price and don't realise the value of a fresh clean web design. If this is the case, make it easier for them by setting a payment structure. So when I sign clients for a $1,500 web design, I ask them to pay me $300-$600 upon signing, $300-$600 after 2 weeks and $300-$600 upon completion. But try to ask them to pay all upfront if you can to avoid chasing payments.
- Do not, I repeat do not sign up customers that refuse to pay less than $1,000! Because a) customers that are too afraid of cost will give you the most headache so it's not worth the money and b) you won't make much profit and even a loss at times!
Exception to the rule (only use this as last resort - DO NOT dive straight into lower prices!)
When you are starting out and looking for your first few customers, not making much money or at a slight loss on each project is fine ONLY on the condition that those customers provide testimonials and you are listing their new sites on your own website as your portfolio. As a new web design agency, your portfolio and testimonials are worth 10x more than the money you're making because you can use them to charge high prices later. So in trying to position myself as a reputable web designer for locksmiths, I was prepared to make a slight loss after costs so that I have a portfolio to show other customers. And when other locksmiths saw how beautiful I can make websites look, they were prepared to pay higher prices for certainty.
However, do not jump straight into lower prices for websites, the fact you're already offering them a free analysis should be enough value that you're giving them for the most part. So for up to each $25 that I spend in creating an analysis, I can make at least $1,000+ in a basic web design per customer!
If you do work with a designer, you can usually do a 50% split with them as a starting point.
Very simple! Once the website is complete, ask the customer to finalize the payment through to your PayPal account and you've suddenly profited on your first project!
How you like to take payment is entirely up to you. I prefer to take payment upfront either full payment or partial payment and the rest upon completion of the site.
However - DO NOT EVER start any project without taking any payment upfront. Always take enough the cover the cost of the project first. Too many headaches come from doing the project first then chasing the customer for full payment.
Once you have completed the project, you can rinse & repeat the process for more high price sales!
Below is a quick email exchange where we've discussed the project and now I email the customer to take their payment before starting the project.

Below is the email exchange after the site has been completed and the remaining payment has been made.
Some customers will ask for extra services such as SEO, paid ads or graphic design once the website is completed. This is your chance to upsell your services to the same customer! While this is beyond the scope of this course, if your customer does ask for extra services, contact us and we'd be happy to discuss your clients' needs.

Once you get used to its process, you will come to realize just how straightforward it really is!
I have been providing this service for years and to this day I can work from home, in the cafe and even on the beach!
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