Welcome To The YouTube Organic Advanced Booster
(Advanced Package)
Follow The Simple Instructions Below To
Get 1,000+ Real Organic Views & 50+ Organic Likes!

Important - Please Read!
You need to follow the instructions from your most upgraded purchase.
If you have purchased a higher upgrade than the basic package, please ignore this page and access that upgrade. We process one transaction per one order; so for example, if you have purchased the advanced package and submit details for the basic package, we process the basic package and cannot accept details for the advanced package and no refunds can be given! Therefore it is important you must submit details from your most upgraded package.
In order to prevent abuse of view traffic, we can only accept details submitted within 14 days of purchase (order time frame). If details are submitted after 14 days of proof of purchase, we cannot process your details and no refunds can be given!
What You Need To Do
Submit your order at grindworks@ymail.com and provide the following details below:
- Copy & Paste "Order For Advanced Package";
- Copy & Paste "I have read, understood and accepted the content and terms of YouTube Organic Advanced Booster";
- Your full name;
- Your email used to make your purchase;
- Your link where you would like traffic and likes to be sent to;
- A short description about your link;
- Up to 5 keywords that you want to target; and
- Proof of purchase of Advanced Package
YouTube view traffic cannot be sent to your link without the above details.
What Happens Next
When your details have been received, we process your order within 48 working hours and traffic should take effect within 7 working days of being processed. Please note working hours/days do not include weekends.
- We guarantee view traffic and likes to your video only. We cannot reasonably guarantee opt-ins, sales or rankings if your video is part of a promotion;
- A visiting viewer on your video acts on their own accord. Their decision/action beyond visiting your video are entirely their own and beyond our control;
- Due to the sheer volume of niches and sub-niches available, we cannot guarantee an exact match to your niche audience, however we aim to share your video with the closest targeted niche possible;
- We are obliged to safeguard the integrity and privacy of our social networks, private groups and our members/followers; therefore we are not obliged to disclose its identity and information;
- Due to the unlimited variety of content that can be created for YouTube videos and potential third parties involved, we are strictly solely responsible for bring traffic views to your assigned YouTube video. We are not responsible for and cannot be held accountable for any actions or consequences laid out by YouTube or any other third party.
- We process your order within the time frame stated above. However, sometimes due to a high volume of orders, there may be a slight delay; in which case, we ask for our customers' patience. In the event of extremely severe delays due to an abundance of orders, we as the vendor are allowed a maximum window of 30 days from the date the order was submitted to process your traffic, before a refund request can be processed. This window will only take effect on the condition that the order was submitted within the order time frame as stated above.
- Due to the sheer variety and volume of YouTube videos available, we cannot guarantee exact traffic view figures, however you can reasonably expect the amount as advertised give or take.
- By submitting your order with the required details, you imply that you have read, understood and accepted the contents of this page; therefore no refunds can be issued once the order has been processed for traffic to take effect.
Thank You For Making Your Order!
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